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You can help NCCFFI with the
Ah Di Na Campground Restoration Project


Volunteers needed! This spring, we will be working together with the US Forest Service and numerous other stakeholders to refurbish campground equipment and clear overgrown campsites and trails at AH Di Na on the McCloud River.

Ah Di Na Restoration Project Information Page

Donate to the Ah Di Na Restoration Project


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Our Vision

To educate current and future generations on the traditions of fly fishing, and to conserve and improve healthy aquatic watersheds.


Our Mission

We are a volunteer, non-profit educational and conservation organization dedicated to preserving our outdoor watersheds and fisheries. Our purpose is to inform the public about the benefits of the fly fishing traditions, and to fight for clean water, healthy watersheds and fisheries. We do this by supporting our member clubs through education, conservation advocacy and outreach on behalf of their members and communities.


Purpose Statements

  • Work to preserve our fisheries and watersheds.
  • Educate the public that fly fishing is a sport/hobby for all ages.
  • Provide value to fly fishing clubs on issues they are interested in and cannot do alone.
  • Promote fly fishing clubs and support them on their projects.
  • Bring together clubs on important issues affecting fly fishing and conservation so we can speak with a loud, coordinated voice.
  • Reach out to clubs for input and guidance on important issues.

Northern California Council
of Fly Fishers International

The NCCFFI has carried the flag of Fly Fishing in our region, and represents Fly Fishers International (FFI) and fly fishers like you. We are dedicated to the sport you love as well as protecting our fisheries & watersheds.

Fly Fishers International (FFI), since 1964, has been the only national organization dedicated exclusively to Fly Fishing.

Join FFI to join our regional NCCFFI fly fishing team. Building community in fly fishing is one our most important goals. There are 23, and growing, fly fishing clubs in our region. By joining the FFI you join the NCCFFI. Join us!

If you fly fish, FFI & NCCFFI are your organizations.

By joining FFI you join us both!

CONNECT | NCCFFI  | P.O.Box 7231  |  Reno, NV 89510-7231  | | The NCCFFI is a 501(c)(3) organization.  [Fed. Id. #94-3124970]