Protection of the S.F. Bay-Delta
watershed and fishery
This is a continuous and challenging project that involves about 15 partner groups from both fishing interests, clubs, as well as several large conservation organizations. I work closely with the Delta FF, GWWFF, Cindy Charles, and CSPA on this.
We have weekly briefing calls attended by about 20 different legal and conservation groups to discuss how to challenge state and federal water agency efforts to divert water from the Bay-Delta. Annually, BOR and DWR set diversion levels that typically are too high to keep both the Delta and its fisheries healthy. We work to hold them accountable to meet state and federal ESA mandates and to protect fish & wildlife, and keep the Delta watershed healthy for people & wildlife. In addition to phone calls, I travel to State Water Board hearings, advocate at the Resources Agency and CDFW, as well as communicate with NMFS, USFWS, and individual water agencies like Westlands.
I’ve attended conferences on water, and debated Westlands twice, as well as presented on Bay-Delta water at the Salmonid Restoration Federation annual meetings. California water is a challenging and constant part of the VP Conservation job within the NCCFFI.