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Organizations NCCFFI Supports & Works With

  • Cal Fly Fisher Magazine
  • California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
  • California Sportfishing Alliance (CSPA)
  • California Trout
  • California Water Impact Network
  • Cast Hope
  • Defenders of Widlife
  • Earth Justice
  • Endangered Species Coalition
  • Environmental Water Caucus

  • Fly Fishers International
  • Foothill Water Network
  • Friends of the River
  • Golden State Salmon Assn.
  • Klamath River Renewal Corporation
  • National Marine Fisheries
  • National Resource Defense Coalition (NRDC)
  • Native Fish Society
  • Our 24 member Fly Fishing Clubs
  • Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations

  • Restore the Delta
  • S.F. Baykeeper
  • Sierra Club of California
  • South Yuba Citizens League
  • Storage Response Group
  • Striped Bass Association
  • The Bay Institute (TBI)
  • Tolowa Dee ni’ Tribe on the Smith River
  • Trout Unlimited
  • Tuolumne River Trust
  • Wild Salmon Center

CONNECT | NCCFFI  | P.O.Box 7231  |  Reno, NV 89510-7231  | | The NCCFFI is a 501(c)(3) organization.  [Fed. Id. #94-3124970]