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Support for HR 7329 Smith River

Dr. C. Mark Rockwell | Published on 5/5/2022
Likely, most of you are not aware of who Katherine Domeny is, nor what she stood for during her life.  Many of us know about the perils salmon & steelhead face today just to survive, let alone thrive.  Katherine knew many years ago and worked her whole life to make a difference.  Here's a bit of background on her from Patricia Schifferle:

"Katherine Domeny passed peacefully on February 16th.  She was 94.  A colleague who worked at the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) while I was working at the Legislature in the 80s.  She was a stalwart in the fight to protect our public trust resources—river flows and salmon.  After leaving the SWRCB in the late 80s she wrote and producedOn the Edge, a film focused on the challenges and impacts faced by California's salmon & steelhead.    


As a single mom, going to undergraduate and graduate school with 6 kids, she raised them on the wonders of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA).  


As Bill Kier says in digging up Katherine’s documentary, we know how to maintain viable CA salmon populations.  It’s just that CA’s public policy drivers for subsidized cotton and almond exports have made salmon conditions worse today than they were 34 years ago for the very same reasons documented in Katherine’sOn the Edge.

Here's a link to herOn The Edgefilm released in 1988.

The question remains -How can we make a difference before it's too late?

Send me a note if you're interested in joining me in working to make that difference.
Mark Rockwell

Dr. Mark Rockwell, D.C.
President & VP Conservation, 
Northern Calif. Council,
Fly Fishers International
530 559-5759 (cell)

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." – John Muir

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